Rowed in college

Before being rudely interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, Colin Reddig was the shortest-serving men's captain in Virginia Tech Crew recorded history.

His accomplishments during this time include:

  • Flip catches
  • Keeping it under 2
  • Finding Teddy
  • Alonso

Hip-Hop Sensation

While leading his high school rowing team from 4 seat, he also managed to mix, record, and produce a critically acclaimed German rap song that has stood the test of time.

Frau O-H will forever be recognized as a real one 💯💯 for signing off on this.

Software "Engineer"

Please connect with me on LinkedIn if you would like to use the auto-complete to talk to each other.

Spotify Influencer

Colin has worked effortlessly for minutes a week curating a variety of Spotify playlist. His most popular playlist has an astounding 23 followers at the time of writing. He continues to work to curate the best content possible for his dozens of listeners.

Welcome, brothers and sisters in sludge

For those of you weak ass Colombian roast sippers or those of whom (face palm) believe half & half means half coffee & half milk...Sludge, by definition is 'black ass coffee' and can sometimes be preferable to 'how I like my men.' Morning sludge is what hairy chested, roll up your sleeve workin', bourbon drinkin' Americans live for - and for that, I say, brew your sludge extra strong and take a sip.


This is tongue-in-cheek if you missed the joke